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How I Feed My Sourdough Starter

Writer's picture: Kathleen OrdinarioKathleen Ordinario

After three years of making sourdough bread, I've learned I need to make things as uncomplicated as possible. I only feed my starter once a week and I don't have any discard to worry about. I make just enough sourdough starter to make two large loaves of bread a week and maintain my starter. The wonderful thing about sourdough bread making, is that everyone has their own techniques and tricks they use to fit bread making into their lives as seamlessly as possible. This is the way I like to feed my sourdough starter, hopefully you find it helpful in your sourdough bread journey.

how to feed sourdough starter


130g sourdough starter

130g filtered water

130g all-purpose flour


A little math, I need 250g of starter to make two loaves of bread for the week, I need 130g of starter to feed and maintain my starter, and the jar (that I keep my starter in) is 440g. All together that's 820g give or take a little. So, I know when I make bread every Sunday, I will take out 250g of starter and have about 130g left in the jar to feed.

On Sunday, I take my starter out of the fridge and remove 250g to make my two loaves of bread for the week. Read my blog on How to Make Sourdough Bread for all the details. Now, I feed the remaining starter.

Add the filtered water directly into the jar and give it a really good mix. Be sure to scrape the sides of the jar so all the starter gets incorporated into the water. Next, add the flour and mix it all again scraping the sides as you go. Place the lid on but not the ring of the jar. Let the jar sit in a warm place. I put mine next to the oven since I'm always using it.

Once the starter has doubled in size, put the ring on the jar to close it and place it in the fridge until next Sunday.

how to feed sourdough starter

Dose your sourdough starter have a name? I named mine Poppy back in 2022. Poppy has kept my family's tummies full of wholesome pancakes, biscuits, waffles, crackers, cookies, but most importantly bread! My Dad uses to say, "The dinner table isn't complete without bread on it." I would whole heartedly agree.


It's the New Year! This is the perfect time to start your sourdough bread journey! I sure hope this helps you organize and maintain your sourdough starter. If you want to stay in the loop and never miss another blog post, subscribe to my blog here. 


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