I rocked my two year-old son to sleep today. Edmond was on my hip as I was running around the house trying to get a few things done before I left for an appointment. His head started to get heavy, so I walked into his room and sat down in the rocking chair. He snuggled into me, sucking his thumb as I rocked back-and-forth. My eyes moved over to a quote that hangs on his wall,
Hold them a little longer
Rock them a little more
Tell them another story
(you’ve only told them four)
Let them sleep on your shoulder
Rejoice in their happy smile
For they are only little
For such a little while.
We removed the crib from his room a few weeks ago replacing it with a toddler bed. that crib kept all three of our babies safe while they slept. It was given to us by a friend almost ten years ago, something free that we desperately needed at the time. It now sits in our garage, unassembled, leaning against the wall. I don’t know if we will ever need that crib again, but I find myself unwilling to let it go.
Edmund’s eyes close, and his breathing becomes heavy as he falls asleep on my shoulder. I remember choosing that quote for his wall. I knew he would be our last baby and that all his first’s would also be my last. His first baby giggles would be my last time hearing them. His first steps would be my last time to witness that miracle. His first words would be my last time to be amazed by his learning. Although we haven’t closed the door completely on having another baby, I know for now, my husband and I are grateful and blessed with the children we do have. Excited to think of all the first yet to come. Edmund’s first bike ride, Diana’s first piano lesson, and Allan’s first time driving a car. All those small moments in babyhood are memories I will hold close to my heart forever, because…
“They are only little for such a little while.”
Link to the quote artwork
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